Custom cigar labels, cigar menus and other graphics are designed by our in-house graphics designers. CF Dominicana has a full graphics department so the brand does not rely on a third party printer and maintains control over all artwork for client events.
When you book a cigar roller for your event, custom graphics are always included free of charge and for weddings, the cigar bands are designed with the theme color matching the bridesmaids dresses or reception design.
Corporate events can have logos placed easily on each cigar and charity events gain an advantage to get sponsors with their logo designed for each cigar presented which is one of the strongest reasons a sponsor will take on the full expense of a cigar roller feature for your charity event.
Your roller will also have a separate stash of cigar labels so that the cigars rolled at your event and we'll also have your custom bands attached.
We will design artwork for you or if you already have art ready, we will place it right on the cigar bands without alteration.
You can also get custom orders which are cigars with custom labels and a price of just $8.15 for each cigar regardless of the model. Custom motors are great for gifts, and can also be requested free of charge if you simply want to purchase cigars to smoke, yes that's right, we will place your initials on the cigar bands free of charge.
The goal of the custom cigar bands and the cigar roller feature is to promote the CF Dominicana brand of cigars so we are inclined to create as much personalization to all of our events whether it's a custom cigar order or a cigar roller so that your guests will smoke our cigars, it's simple public relations and has been very effective for over 16 years.
Of course all of the cigars are from the Dominican Republic and not made in Texas which should be the Paramount reason for any client to seek CF Dominicana for their life event.
Submit the contact form below or call us and we will take you to the next step to have custom cigar labels for your wedding, golf, charity or corporate event.